Well it all started about January when David and Mike wanted to get a band started. They didnt care what type of music they were; they only wanted to play. The original line up was going to be Mike, David, Taylor Alba, Caitlin Ryan and Neil Mallick but as things always do; it never worked out. A few weeks later Mike and David decided to start a ska band with singer Amanda Becker . They found a drummer (Sean Alderson), but sadly his skills were'nt up to far for the band.This idea of a ska band only stayed for about a week until they realized no one could play drums descent enough and no one played horns. The idea didn't fall through and nothing happened for a good month. Finally, at the end of February, Mike called his friend Nick Chacon and asked him to play drums for his band. Nick replied by saying that he was in a band already, but they were going to break up soon. Turns out they broke up a week later. Mike, David, and Nick got together the next weekend to practice and things just clicked for the three. There was no better match than these three kids. Now that the band was set all they needed was a singer and a guy singer at that. Weeks passes by and no luck came with finding a guy singer so they decided to get former Perilous singer, Ashley, to sing some Weezer covers at a school fair, but yet again things fell through. Another week later, Amanda instant messaged Mike claiming she was a great singer and was very pissed off that they didnt call her when they got this new found band together. David and Mike decided to give her a shot. It turned out she was an amazing singer and so they kept her. The band was progressing slowly now because everyone was heading toward finals and no one had time to practice. They only stuck with Weezer covers and danced around with roadies like Sean Smith, Ryan Pfutzenreuter, Jim Herold, and Scott Carsey. After finals were over the band starting concentrating on making their own songs. They did so and their first song "Cant Breath" was a hit with the locals. Time passed and the band was getting quite good following for never playing shows and only play at Mikes house in his garage for practice. Many people knew who they were and liked their style and thought it was about time they played some shows. Now the time came when they needed to make a band name. This was done quickly with drummer Nick saying the band should be called "Four Eyes." They had their first show at a friends party with Ill Mannered and the Magic Johnsons. Sad to say but there were more roadies there than people at the party so no one was really getting exposed to Four Eyes music. When they finished the show they retreated back to practice and started to write better songs. Later that week the band found out that Four Eyes was a band already. So they changed their name to "Fun Points for Jimmy." This name was taken from a a good friend by the name of Jimmy. His life is based on "fun points" his parents give. So the only way he can go out is if he has enough fun points by doing chores...so sad. Eventually we picked up Mark. He's crazy. You gotta see him. The band is now in full effect with a great following!......LATER THAT LIFETIME: The band split up and no one really knows why anymore. For a while we just kinda sat around and moped but then Mandie wanted to make the band work again. We'll see what happens